• Text Content

    The text to display. Does not support Markdown.

See List of Variables for displaying dynamic content.

  • Text Size

    Size of the text.

  • Text Color

    Color of the text.

  • Font Family

    Font of the text.

List of Variables

  • @title@

    Post title.

  • @score@

    Post score.

  • @author@

    Author username.

  • @authorFlair@

    Author flair.

  • @linkflair@

    Post flair.

  • @subreddit@

    The subreddit the post belongs to. No r/ prefix.

  • @comments@

    Number of comments.

  • @domain@

    URL domain if the post is a link, or self.subreddit if it is a text post.

  • @age@

    How old is the post.

  • @thumbnail@

    The smallest thumbnail image.

  • @selftext@

    Text content if the post is a text post; empty string if the post is a link.

  • @postId@

    Internal Reddit ID of the post. Used for navigating to the comments page.